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Watford Community Housing working in partnership to deliver greener homes

Watford Community Housing is delighted to be working with its partners at B3Living and Settle to recruit a joint Sustainability Lead. This fantastic new role will work across all three of our organisations to help us deliver upon our aspiration of becoming carbon neutral.

Together we own and manage around 20,000 homes in Hertfordshire. We believe that by working together we can achieve more and potentially define a new way of working for the benefit of all our customers.

The new Sustainability Lead will work across all three housing associations to help us adopt more sustainable ways of working and reduce the environmental impact of our homes – helping residents save money by reducing the cost of keeping homes warm and comfortable.

We will look to research and pilot new schemes and technologies, and engage with residents to seek their views about our work to make homes more energy-efficient.

We are looking for someone with the technical skills, experience, passion and expertise to drive the sustainability agenda across our organisations and make a real difference in Hertfordshire and more widely within our sector.

Click here to find out more about the role and how to apply, or get in touch for an informal discussion.