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West Herts Homes consulting with tenants on transfer to Watford Community Housing

West Herts Homes has announced a proposal to transfer its stock to Watford Community Housing, with tenant consultation now underway.

West Herts Homes has written to all its customers to inform them of the proposed transfer, and it is arranging meetings and home visits to discuss the proposal with customers individually. The consultation period will last until 10 January 2024.

If the proposal is approved, West Herts Homes’ portfolio of 28 properties will be transferred to Watford Community Housing, helping to ensure the ongoing provision of good-quality homes and services for residents.

Watford Community Housing was formed in 2007, and now owns and manages more than 6,800 homes and associated assets across South-West Hertfordshire. As a Community Gateway Association, it is committed to tenant empowerment and offers tenants the opportunity to become members and help shape the future of the Group. If the transfer goes ahead, all tenants of West Herts Homes will be eligible to become members.

Based in Hemel Hempstead, West Herts Homes is a locally based housing association that has been delivering housing and support services to its residents since 1975.

In addition to the homes it owns, West Herts Homes currently manages seven properties for three local authorities and one private landlord. As part of the transfer, Watford Community Housing would aim to take on the management of these homes, building on its strong existing relationships with key local authority partners.

Paul Eastwood, Chief Executive for West Herts Homes said: “For nearly 50 years West Herts Homes has had an excellent record of delivering personalised services to a client group of mostly vulnerable people. Having reviewed our position going forward, and mindful of the changes and future challenges within the housing sector, our Board has decided that the best outcome for our residents and our staff team lies in transferring our homes to a larger landlord. After a detailed selection process, we have identified Watford Community Housing as our preferred partner, and I am confident that the transfer will be beneficial to both organisations and all those that we provide services to.”

Tina Barnard, Chief Executive for Watford Community Housing, said: “We would welcome the opportunity to help ensure that West Herts Homes residents continue to have good-quality homes and access to excellent services. We have a strong track record of delivering for our customers and communities, and together we would be able to invest more in residents’ homes and provide the services and support they need.”

Press enquiries:

Watford Community Housing – email: [email protected]

West Herts Homes – email: [email protected]