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James Wild MP opens new Freebridge housing development

Freebridge Community Housing is delighted to have had its development of new homes in the village of Gayton officially opened by MP for North West Norfolk, James Wild, this afternoon.

The development that has been built at Draper Gardens in the centre of the village, is comprised of 24 new properties – with two further homes at Pampas Cottages at the front of the Draper Gardens site – which altogether totals 16 homes available for rent alongside 10 new shared ownership properties.

The 16 homes available for rent include:

  • one 4-bedroom property,
  • seven 3-bedroom properties, and
  • eight 2-bedroom properties,

with the 10 shared ownership properties including:

  • two 4-bedroom homes,
  • four 3-bedroom homes, and
  • four 2-bedroom homes.

All the homes developed have air source heat pump heating systems, front and rear gardens, and two or more parking spaces per home.

Andy Walder, Freebridge’s Board Chair: “In our current five-year strategy document – Building Better Futures – we pledged to invest millions of pounds to provide more homes and more choices to meet the growing need for good-quality affordable housing throughout the whole of West Norfolk, and this new development in Gayton is very much part of that pledge.

“We know that we also need to invest heavily in our existing homes – we invested £5.9 million in the last financial year – while at the same time building more affordable homes in areas where there is the biggest demand, both in King’s Lynn and the surrounding villages like Gayton.

“It was great to have James here to officially open this development today, and we look forward to welcoming those moving into the completed homes over the next few weeks.”

James Wild MP said: “It was a pleasure to open Freebridge’s new Draper Gardens housing development in Gayton. More affordable housing is needed in North West Norfolk and these new homes, made possible in part with government investment, will provide much-needed rental and shared ownership properties helping local people. By taking a forward-thinking approach and installing air source heat pumps, they are setting an example other developers should follow.”