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It’s Blooming Marvellous At Barley Court – Saffron Housing

Barley Court tenants Robert Watling, Janet Oates and Claude Carter have kept busy during lockdown. The gardening trio have worked hard on improving a small grassy area outside Janet’s apartment and are extremely proud of the lawn and flowerpots that adorn the patio area. The courtyard garden at the Independent Community Living Scheme in New Costessey has come alive with painted benches and beautiful flowers from Pineapple Plants to Lilies and it has also become a haven for wildlife too.

Robert said: “Doing the garden has kept me busy, it has become a great talking point, and it keeps our minds and bodies busy too.”

Tracey Harris, Head of Wellbeing & Partnerships at Saffron, commented: “With our permission, Robert, Janet and Claude used their spare time to enhance the outside space at Barley Court, it gave the tenants and staff a boost during lockdown too.”

Do you have a news story you would like to share? Please get in touch with Saffron Housing at [email protected] or if you would like further information on the Independent Community

Housing Schemes that we offer please contact [email protected].