Saffron Housing Trust welcome new buzzing tenants
Saffron Housing Trust is helping the local environment by working in partnership with the Chet Valley B-Line project to improve the open spaces in the area.
Saffron will be reducing the frequency of grass cutting to allow the plants to flower and set seed providing more nectar for pollinating insects and help increase the biodiversity of the Chet Valley. Cutting the edges of footpaths and roads will continue to prevent vegetation encroachment, and at the end of the growing season the area will be mown, and the cuttings will be removed. This reduces soil fertility which encourages more wildflowers the following year.
Paul Bunce, Grounds Maintenance Team Leader at Saffron, said: “We are really pleased to be working together with the Chet Valley B-Line Project and hope communities enjoy seeing the positive effects it brings.”
The Chet Valley B-Line was inspired by the national B-Lines initiative to halt the decline of pollinators. It aims to create a 17km B-Line along the River Chet from its source to the River Yare (a national B-Line). Saffron have 19 sites which are all within 2 kilometres of the Chet and will provide a significant boost, helping to provide ‘stepping stones’ of habitat.
Tony Davy, Emeritus Professor of Ecology at UEA, Chair of Bergh Apton Conservation Trust and the Chet Valley B-Line said: “The Chet Valley B-Line are grateful to Saffron Housing Trust for leaving these areas uncut to provide habitat and help feed the bees and other pollinators. There has been a recent dramatic decline in pollinators, essential to most of our food crops, and the charity Buglife launched the national B-Line network on 23rd March 2021 as part of the Govts approach to tackling this. (The National Pollinator Strategy.) We would encourage everyone to join in.”

Photo: Nat Davy