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bpha releases its first SRS report

We take our environment, social and governance responsibilities seriously, recognising the fundamental contribution bpha need to make to more sustainable homes and places.

The report has used the Sustainability Reporting Standards (SRS) framework, as it provides a significant and much needed step forward in promoting sustainability across the housing sector.

Based on our environmental strategy the report includes our existing activities and plans representing an opportunity to demonstrate our pledge to operate sustainably and responsibly. Including our commitment to carbon reduction, improving the efficiency and fabric of the homes we build and manage, running a sustainable business and supporting the health and wellbeing of our residents and employees.

bpha Chair, Paul Leinster CBE commented :

“Managing close to 20,000 homes, building new properties, and employing over 450 people demands responsible and sustainable business practices. This is our first ESG report and we look forward to reporting on our progress on an annual basis.”

All the empirical data and commitments are supplemented by real life case studies, specific stories from individual projects and people that help shed a different light on bpha’s credentials.

The report outlines our progress to date, and we recognise there is much more to do.